In January-September 2009, 447,300 persons were placed in jobs with the assistance of labor agencies (85.8% of all persons applied to labor agencies), which was 2.4 percentage points less than in January-September 2008.
As of the end of September 2009, the number of citizens registered through labor agencies as those who are looking for a job was 30,900 persons versus 27,500 persons as of the end of September 2008.
The greatest number of citizens registered through labor agencies as those who are looking for a job was observed in Tashkent city - 4,700 persons (15% of the total number of persons registered in labor agencies), Kashkadarya region - 3,200 persons (10.4%), Surkhandarya region - 2,900 persons (9.4%) and Ferghana region - 2,700 persons (8.7%).
The realization of adopted target complex programmes on development of services, animal husbandry and outwork as well as measures adopted in the framework of anti-crisis programme ensured creation of 743,500 new workplaces in January-September 2009.
The greatest number of workplaces was created in Kashkadarya region (10% of total newly created workplaces), Samarkand region (9.8%), Ferghana region (9.5%), Tashkent region (8.7%) and Tashkent city (8.6%). Out of the total number of newly created workplaces 62.5% (464,600 workplaces) fall upon the rural area.