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Uzbekistan 19/01/2022 Plant a tree - save the forest: FAO creates forest plantations in Kashkadarya region
Plant a tree - save the forest: FAO creates forest plantations in Kashkadarya region

Tashkent, Uzbekistan ( -- Forests are often called the «lungs of the planet» because they perform vital ecosystem functions. In this regard, significant work is being carried out within the framework of the project «Sustainable forest management in mountain and valley areas of Uzbekistan» funded by the Global Environmental Facilities (GEF) and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 

The national partner of the project is the State Forestry Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The project has been implemented since 2018 in the Syrdarya, Pop, Kitab and Dekhkanabad Forest Organizations. At the same time, promotion of sustainable forest management means enabling the local population to use forest resources more widely, preserve not only the productivity of forests, but also their ecological functions, aesthetic and recreational value, biological and landscape diversity. 

«For over 4 years, within the framework of this project we deal with the main problems in the forestry sector of Uzbekistan. Every year, international and national FAO experts conduct workshops to enhance knowledge and skills of the rural population. Participants are provided with scientific recommendations on the development of horticulture, the cultivation of medicinal and agricultural crops», - noted Olimjon Kakhkharov, the technical coordinator of the project.

In December 2021 FAO supported creation of demonstration plots of the project in Dehkanabad Forest Organization on an area of almost 13 hectares, including mountain terraces, fuel wood plantations and a nursery of seedlings and cuttings. For this purpose, more than 16 thousand seedlings, 5 thousand cuttings and 880 kg of seeds were procured by FAO. Drip irrigation works were also carried out on this area. Today, these sites are examples of best practices in innovative and gender-balanced sustainable forest management. On the same day, a workshop on "Planting Material: Seeds, Saplings and Cuttings for Project Sites" was held for more than 100 project beneficiaries. After the workshop more than 4,000 seedlings were handed over to the local population by FAO to create green spaces in their household plots.

In 2021, within the scope of the project forest plantations were created in total area of 1220 hectares and more than 265 thousand seedlings were planted in four pilot plots.


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